When streaming, you want to ensure you mute Discord, such that you won’t get distracted while focusing on your game. This guide will guide you on how streamers mute their Discord. We will dig in on two ways that streamers use to mute Discord. We will cover the steps to follow for each method, so you can try the two options and settle on the best method for your case.

Two Ways Streamers Mute Discord

When streaming using a tool like OBS, you should know how to mute Discord to avoid the distractions that come with Discord notifications or people communicating in a Discord channel. These disturbances can affect the quality of your live stream. To avoid this, let’s see how you can mute Discord when streaming.

Mute Discord via Streamer Mode

When you open OBS, the streamer mode will automatically get enabled. However, if you’ve disabled it, you should enable it to help mute your Discord when streaming. With that, you’ve managed to mute Discord to enhance your streaming quality by avoiding distractions and notifications.

Mute Discord by Muting Its Notifications

This method of streamers muting Discord involves you muting your Discord notifications such that you won’t get notified about Discord activities, such as new DMs, when streaming. That way, you will focus on streaming. With the two methods presented above, you’ve managed to mute Discord as streamers do when using a live-streaming tool like OBS and Discord.


When using Discord to stream, you want to avoid unnecessary distractions, such as noise from Discord channels or notifications for new messages. Besides, Distractions lower the quality of your streaming. We’ve covered the two ways streamers mute Discord, including streamer mode and muting notifications. With that, you can use the method that favors you to mute your Discord.

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