It could be you’ve created a Telegram group for your blog and invited people to join other Telegram groups in which you are a member. As the Telegram group admin or owner, you can add or remove people from the group. Knowing how to remove someone from a Telegram group allows you to control the group. Why remove someone from a Telegram group? We will answer this question and then discuss the steps to remove someone from a Telegram group using your mobile phone and the Telegram desktop. To remove people from a Telegram group, start by opening the Telegram application. Locate the target group and open it by tapping on it. Click on the group’s name at the top to list all its members. Scroll down the list of members to find the person you want to remove, then click the “X “next to their name to remove them from the group.

Why Remove Someone from a Telegram Group?

A Telegram group accommodates thousands of members. When you manage or own a Telegram group with multiple members, you will likely encounter some members who may annoy others or misbehave in the Telegram group. One way of keeping the group in order is by removing such members to ensure you accommodate everyone in the group. Only the group admin or owner can remove members from the group. All that’s needed is to access the list of members and tap on the “Remove” button. The removed member can rejoin using the invite link or request the group admin to add them back.

How To Remove Someone from a Telegram Group

You have two options for removing a manner from a Telegram group. You can use your mobile phone or using the Telegram desktop version. Let’s see the steps for the two options.

Using the Telegram Desktop Version

The telegram desktop app is available for Windows and Mac devices. Here’s how to remove someone from a Windows Telegram desktop. The member will get notified that you removed them from the Telegram group. Here’s how to remove someone from a Mac Telegram desktop.

Using the Telegram Mobile

For iPhone, use these steps. For Android, follow these steps. Your target person is now removed from the Telegram group.


Telegram offers a simple and effective way of removing someone from a Telegram group. You can use your mobile Telegram app or the desktop version to remove someone from the Telegram group you own or are an administrator. This post has covered everything you should know about removing someone from a Telegram group.

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